星期四, 十一月 02, 2006

Archive for September, 2006


Go or No Go?

无 论是论文和工作,都到了Go or No Go的时候了。不过现在已经不是自己能够控制的了,只希望结果早点出来。感冒还是老样子,又有两个人被BC传染了,实在对不起亚!而今天唯一高兴的是给自 己的小W买了硅胶套和屏幕保护贴,花了80元,BC现在还心疼呢……不过想到能长久看到小W清清爽爽的样子,这点开销还是值得的。



这是一个射击游戏,玩家操纵一台战机在宇宙各种场景下进行战斗。从开始的狭小管道进入到广大的宇宙背景后,大量CG替代了战斗环境,仿佛置身在游戏当中,游戏变得非常好玩…… 一不小心被击中了,只好重新打。这时听到外面有人叫,昏暗的小房间里,游戏继续着,前面的部分进行很快,立刻就到想要的部分…… …… 被两个MM叫出去,发现自己的朋友也在,但是意识非常模糊,想自己肯定是睡着了在做梦,通常梦里遇到MM一定会有好事情发生,于是期待着…… 来到小巷,遇到把门的流氓,似乎进去必须要接受一种毒品注射,如果接受毒品则会昏睡,醒来后游戏结束(怎么这么清楚?) 不接受毒品则会被质疑,于是说自己有毒品过敏,但被毒贩揭穿,最后被痛扁和强制注射后昏过去。醒来发现自己的嘴唇肥大难以控制,可能是吸毒者的症状,在商店被很多人鄙视和唾弃,大哭,最后遇到游戏的Architect…… Architect给了一些建议…… 摇身变成了武士,目睹武田信玄被织田信长和上衫家暗杀,但似乎武田信玄躲过了灾祸,于是协助他回来报复…… …… 短信声起,没有战斗、没有游戏、没有毒品、没有MM…… 只觉口水四溢,似枕黄粱之上。


Tips: Siemens optiset E phone usage

It is a way to protect company's money by making use of advanced tools. ^_^

Alternative call:
If another call is coming when you are using the phone, just press 'Alternate' to change to the other call in circle. This feature support more than two calls at the same time and is limited only by software settings.

Call forward:
When you are away, if you want others still use the same number to find you, use the call forward feature. Press '>' and you have two choice of call forward: fixed and variant. The first is to forward to your message center and the other is to forward to a number you enter.

... (maybe you can help me to add more)


tips: install scrollkeeper-0.3.14 @ cygwin

I want to install gnome under cygwin environment, so I followed the BLFS 6.1 guide book. But cygwin doesn't provide scrollkeeper package and normal g-b-s method doesn't work, either. After a lot of Google, I turned to cygport, a building system for cygwin. But cygport is still under development and it doesn't provide the ebuild I need. I have to write it on my own. Here is my experiences:

1. create scrollkeeper-0.3-14.cygport file in /usr/src
inherit gnome2
DESCRIPTION="a cataloging system for documentation"

2. download the package manually in /usr/src
The naming convention for package in cygport is strange, PACKAGENAME-VERSION-RELEASE. So here is the trick, turn 0.3.14 to 0.3-14. But you need to download the package manually.

3. run 'cygport scrollkeeper-0.3-14 prep compile'
Here is another trick. Usually the configuration would fail and result with some error msg like "run aclocal manually", "copy gettext.h" or "intl...". Please don't google the answer because it's useless. ***** When it pause, assume the build folder is "~/scrollkeeper-0.3-14", run 'touch ~/scrollkeeper-0.3-14/src/scrollkeeper-0.3.14/intl/Makefile.in". Continue the configuration and ignore all the warning message and ... everything is done.

4. run 'cygport scrollkeeper-0.3-14 install finish'
I'm not a package maintainer, so I don't test the above method on systems other than mine. Please refer to http://cygwinports.dotsrc.org/ for further good ebuild files.
